Pink Coffee – Preparation & Benefits
Coffee is one of the most consuming beverages in the world, and its bitter and unequaled taste makes each sip a direct delight to the palate. One of the characteristics of coffee is that it is as versatile as its consumer, that is, there is something for everyone. You can take it boldly, with milk, sweet, in ice cream, in alcoholic drinks, and even colorful turning it into an incredible pink coffee.
Yes, as you read, the pink coffee has become a fashionable drink, not only for its striking appearance but for the benefits it offers to health.
One of the essential ingredients for this pink latte beside milk and coffee is the beetroot, red vegetable due to the betalain pigment, which when mixed with the milk, achieves the desired and striking pink tone.
The beet is a vegetable that contains a host of nutrients which has a large amount of iron and vitamins A, B8, and C. It is also high in antioxidants, so it is ideal for muscle recovery after exercise and slow aging.
How To Make Pink Coffee?
The most common is to consume it in the cafeterias, but it can also do at home, and here we will tell you how to prepare pink coffee. Take note!
- Add a previously cooked beet in the blender and beat it with the milk and coffee, and if you wish, add a touch of cinnamon.
- You can also use the beet powder and mix it directly with the milk. It does not require sweetener or sugar because it is sweet.
You can take it as a complement to a healthy breakfast, as it provides the necessary vitamins to start the day with energy.
Pink Coffee Benefits
- It has diuretic properties.
- It benefits in reducing blood pressure and improves blood circulation.
- It is the low contribution in calories and fat. It is of vegetable origin. Therefore, it is not harmful to health.
- Studies suggest that consumption of beet, despite its natural sugar content, is a portion of food that acts as a cellular regenerator.
- It provides fibers, potassium, folates and vitamin C.
- It benefits the blood flow due to its high level of nitrates and provides all the energy necessary to energize us and benefit us to start the day.
- It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and natural detoxifier.
Now that you know about the benefits and how to prepare pink coffee, you have no excuse to drink this delicious, healthy and energizing pink coffee.