6 Best Home Remedies For Split Ends: Fix Damaged Hair

Home Remedies For Split Ends, Fix Damaged Hair, how to get rid of split ends

How To Get Rid Of Split Ends: Fix Damaged Hair

Split ends. Help! We know it, they are challenging to avoid and they are the horror of all the manes since they worsen their appearance, and the hair seems spoiled, frizzy and without force.
Then we tell you the primary care you must do, and we propose several home remedies for split ends. Take note!
It is true that with a haircut the problem of split ends is fixed, but it is also possible to clean and hydrate them at home to avoid going through the hairdresser and maintain a healthy and soft hair. Do you want to know how?
Basic Hair Care Routine
Having healthy and careful hair is not that complicated. From the start, it is enough to be constant and carry a basic care routine. First, you have to keep in mind that it is essential that you use a specific shampoo and conditioner and, at least once a week, that you apply a mask.
If you usually dry your hair with a hairdryer and you are attentive to the irons or the curling iron, it is also essential that you get used to applying a protective product of the heat before combing your hair.

Home Remedies For Split Ends

1. Coconut Oil For Split Ends
Whether you already suffer the dreaded split ends, or want to avoid them, you can prepare yourself a coconut mask.
  • Put some coconut oil in a bowl (about the size of a chestnut) and add five drops of lavender oil and six drops of rosemary essence.
  • Mix everything well and apply it on the tips.
  • Leave it to act for one hour and then rinse with plenty of water.
2. Almond Oil For Split Ends
Almond oil is the simplest remedy to prepare, but it is beneficial.
  • Apply almond oil strand by strand insisting on the tips, cover your head with a shower cap.
  • Let it act for about thirty minutes.
  • Once this time has elapsed, rinse it with plenty of warm water and dry your hair as you always do!
3. Rosemary Oil For Split Ends
Rosemary oil is perfect for nourishing your hair, especially if it is thin.
  • Add about five or six drops of rosemary essential oil to about 10 milliliters of olive oil and apply it to the tips.
  • Leave it for about an hour and then wash your hair usually.
  • You can perform this pre-wash treatment once a week to keep your hair hydrated.
4. Avocado For Split Ends
Avocado can help you soften your hair and keep it hydrated due to its high content of vitamin E. Also. Its unctuous texture makes it very moldable and easy to apply.
  • Mix a half avocado with a fork and add a couple of tablespoons of almond or coconut oil.
  • Mix well and apply it on mane and tips.
  • Leave it to work for about half an hour and then wash the hair with cold water.
5. Egg Mask For Split Ends
Proteins and fats in the egg help to moisturize the hair naturally. That is why it is one of the oldest and best-known home remedies.
  • Beat two eggs and mix them with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.
  • The resulting mask will be beneficial.
  • After applying it on the tips and let it act for three-quarters of an hour, rinse it with cold water and wash your hair with your usual products.
6. Shea Butter For Split Ends
The shea butter, which is a substance especially fat, is commonly used in the formulation of many shampoos and creams.
  • To use it at home, you have to take a small amount and undo it with your fingers, and apply it on mane and tips.
  • Just as with coconut oil, let it act for one hour and rinse the hair with plenty of water.