Skin Care Tips For Different Skin Types

Skin Care Tips For Different Skin Types, how to take care of your skin

How To Take Care Of Your Skin

That one has always had smooth, beautiful skin and the other is not usually due to the type of skin you have. You were born with this, and you have to do with it.
You can use certain products or take specific steps to make your skin as optimal as possible. Think of skin without pimples, impurities, blackheads or shine. In this article, we explain exactly which skin types exist and how you can best care for each type. Read to know skin care for different skin types.

Skin Care For Different Skin Types

1. Normal skin
How To Recognize It
You have the skin that everyone is jealous of. The word ‘normal’ does not say that this is the most common type, on the contrary. You can recognize this type by a fine pore structure on the cheeks and slightly coarser pores on the forehead, nose, and chin.
Skin Care For Normal Skin
This skin type has enough sebum to keep the skin soft and supple. Still, beautiful skin needs care. It is essential that the moisture content remains at the same level. You can use light products for this, such as a day cream. Also applying a nurturing mask every week ensures that your skin remains wrinkle-free as long as possible!
2. Dry Skin
How To Recognize It
If your skin often feels tight, you certainly have dry skin. The pores are not visible or very small.
Skin Care For Dry Skin
You suffer from a shortage of fats because the sebaceous glands are not sufficiently active. Your skin needs intensive care. A night cream is crucial. For dry skin, it is also right that you rub your skin with oil. A body lotion also works well.
3. Oily Skin
How To Recognize It
Especially during puberty, many young people suffer from oily skin. The sebum production makes roughly over speed, and that results in oily skin that can even shine. Because of this sebum production, the sebaceous exits can clog, and this leads to blackheads and pimples.
Skin Care For Oily Skin
For your skin, it is especially essential to clean it thoroughly. Use products without fat or oil, for example, a facewash or washing gel. Even if you think it works: do not use drying products. It ultimately makes your skin fatter. Cleaners based on soap and alcohol will also ensure that your skin becomes fat again, so be careful with this. It is because the sebaceous glands are extra stimulated.
4. Combined Skin
How To Recognize It
This means that you have both oily and dry skin. Especially in the T-zone (your forehead, nose, and chin), more sebum is produced and is, therefore, fatter here than on your cheeks. Blackheads or pimples can also occur in this fatty zone.
Skin Cre For Combined Skin
Use a moisturizing product for the day and put on a night cream in the evening before you go to sleep. In the T-zone, you can use fat-free products (because of the fat part), and in the rest of your face, you can use a slightly fatter product. It also applies to apply makeup. For example, avoid using foundation in the T-zone, but replace it with a matte powder. You can, of course, gain the foundation in the rest of your face.
5. Sensitive Skin
How To Recognize It
Do you suffer from dehydration, itching, irritation, and scaly skin? Then it is sensitive. It has a lot to do with dehydration or too much sun. The upper skin layer is affected, and this ensures that your skin can no longer protect itself adequately.
Skin Care For Sensitive Skin
You can use the best mild care products. Often there are no substances in it that your skin can withstand poorly, so that is a good outcome for you. Also avoid products that contain alcohol, menthol or essential oils. They can irritate your skin extra.
Taking care of the skin is essential, so take a good look in the mirror to see what skin type you have and choose the right products!