10 Ways to Use Cucumber for Acne Treatment Overnight Fast

How to Use Cucumber for Acne, How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast, home remedies for acne relief

How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast?

Acne can often cause embarrassment and discomfort in both men and women. Constant accumulation of dust, dirt and dead cells in the pores of the skin resulting in pimples. These grains, when infected with bacteria, become red, swollen and painful.

Teens are very prone to acne due to hormonal changes in the body. Although several creams promise to cure acne, natural remedies are the best way to address this skin problem. Here we show you how to use cucumber for acne.
How can Cucumber reduce acne?
The essential vitamins and nutrients in cucumbers have several incredible benefits on the skin and the entire body. Cucumber is an excellent remedy for treating acne for people with sensitive skin. This is how cucumber can help reduce acne and provide perfect skin.
  • Silica, a vital element present in cucumber helps to heal and develop skin cells from acne
  • The natural cooling effect of cucumber relieves redness, inflammation, and irritation caused by pimples
  • Cucumber is rich in vitamin E that helps to fight free radicals that cause acne and remove stubborn acne scars to reveal a skin without light spots
  • Cucumber juice, when applying on acne skin, helps to clear the pores by cleansing the skin to remove dirt, bacteria and excess oil.
  • The minerals and amino acids in cucumber help to rebuild and rejuvenate the dull skin
How to use cucumber for acne
1. Cucumber and olive oil mask
  • 2 cucumbers with skin.
  • Half a cup of cream.
  • One tablespoon of olive oil.
  • A spoonful of honey
Preparation & Use:
  • In a blender add the ingredients mentioned above and mix them.
  • Apply the mixture where you have the acne breakouts.
  • Leave it for a time of 25 minutes and then wash with water.
2. Cucumber and honey mask
  • Half a cup of honey.
  • One drop of essential oil.
  • One lemon’s juice.
  • A cucumber.
Preparation & Use:
  • Peel the cucumber and chop it into thin slices so that you can add them in the blender or a food processor.
  • Then mix the lemon with the honey and the essential oil.
Before applying this mask, you have to wash your face. Apply the mixture of honey with lemon juice by giving the circular massage. Let it act for 10 minutes. Wash your face with warm water. Then apply the juice of the cucumber on the face and neck. You can also put slices of cucumbers on your eyes. The cucumber should leave it for 15 minutes and wash with warm water.
3. Cucumber and oats mask
Cucumber and oats are the best ingredients to prepare an acne mask. If you are suffering from problems with acne, you must apply that perfect combination, and you will get surprising results.
  • Half a cucumber.
  • Two tablespoons of granulated oats.
  • One lemon’s juice.
  • One tablespoon honey.
Preparation & Use:
  • Cut the cucumber into small slices and add to the blender.
  • Then add the two tablespoons of oats, lemon juice, and honey and mix all ingredients until obtaining a homogeneous paste.
  • Give a circular massage with the resulting mixture on the part of the body where you have acne.
  • Let it act for a time of 20 minutes and then remove it with warm water.
This mask works to eliminate acne, as this prevents the production of fat in the skin while eliminating the layers of dead cells.
4. Cucumber and Lemon Juice Mask
The blend of cucumber and lemon helps to fight acne and acne scars. The natural antibacterial effect and bleaching of lemon juice kills acne bacteria and fades scars.
  • Peel and grate 1 medium size cucumber
  • Place in a cheesecloth and tighten to extract the juice
  • Mix cucumber juice 1 tablespoon with 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  • Apply the mixture on the acne face with cotton to concentrate more on acne and acne scars
  • Allow to dry and wash with clean water
Note: You can also replace lemon juice with pure apple cider vinegar or apply only cucumber juice on the face to reduce acne
5. Cucumber and Sugar Exfoliation mask
Cucumber and sugar is an excellent way to exfoliate sensitive skin to remove dead cells, dust, unclog pores and cleanse the face.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons brown sugar with one tablespoon cucumber juice
  • Use it on the face and let it act for 10 minutes
  • Now rub the face with wet fingers to remove dead cells and clean face
Note: You can also mix the cucumber juice with baking soda or sea salt to make the scrub. Both baking soda and sea salt helps to fight acne.
6. Green cucumber juice mask
This mask acts as a gentle exfoliant to removes excess fat from the skin, prevents acne and gives a radiant skin
  • Peel and chop ½ cup fresh cucumber
  • In blender, add ½ cup chopped cucumber, ½ cup fresh mint leaves and run the blender to mix well
  • Mix with green gram flour
  • Apply the paste as a face pack and let it act for about 20 minutes to dry
  • Remove the packet by rubbing the face with wet fingers and rinse with clean water
  • Repeat the process three times a week
Note: You can also add a few slices of tomato to the blender while making the paste.
7. Cucumber lemon and Chickpea flour mask
This natural face mask exfoliates the skin, fights acne, absorbs excess fat from the skin, minimizes acne, and fades the scars. And this mask soothes irritated skin and prevents acne.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons chickpea flour with 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and add cucumber juice to make a thick paste
  • Apply the package on the face and neck. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes to dry
  • Rub the face with wet fingers to remove the package and wash the face with water
  • Repeat the process three times a week
8. Cucumber, Neem, Turmeric, and Oats mask
This mask helps to heal acne, remove dead skin cells and excess fat.
  • Place ½ cup chopped cucumber and ½ cup neem leaves in a blender and mix well
  • Remove the mixed ingredients in a bowl. Add 1 teaspoon turmeric powder and oatmeal to make a package
  • Apply the package on the face, neck and acne area
  • Leave at least 20 minutes for the pack to dry
  • Massage the skin with wet fingers to remove the package and wash with clean water. Follow up with a moisturizer.
  • Do this process three times a week to cure acne
9. Cucumber, Tea Tree Oil, and Aloe Vera Gel mask
Aloe vera provides natural ingredients for the beauty of the skin. The antibacterial and healing property of aloe vera helps to kill acne bacteria, soothe, repair and restore damaged skin cells.
  • Break a medium-sized aloe vera leaf to extract fresh aloe vera gel
  • Mix aloe gel and cucumber juice in equal amounts. Add a few drops of tea tree oil
  • Apply the mixture on the face
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and reapply another layer of the juice. Now massage the face for 5-10 minutes with the soft inner portion of the aloe leaf
  • Wash your face with water
  • Follow the process every day to treat acne
10. Cucumber in the diet
Cucumber is rich in essential nutrients and vitamins that help to keep the body hydrated. And it induces a cooling effect on the body, eliminate toxins and help to fight acne. Regular consumption of cucumber in the form of juice or salads helps in weight loss, constipation and promotes healthy skin.
  • Cucumber juice: Cut cucumber into medium pieces. Put them all in a blender and mix well. Drink this cucumber juice every day on an empty stomach to remove toxins from the body. You can notice the difference in your body within 1 to 2 weeks.
  • Cucumber salad: Use fresh cucumbers to make salads.
    To make a healthy green salad, add 1 cup chopped cucumber, ½ cup sprouts, 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro leaves and 1 teaspoon black salt in a bowl. Mix all ingredients.
  • Another exciting way to have cucumber is adding cucumber slices to sandwiches, burgers, and rolls.
Tips and precautions
  • Cucumber has a natural cooling property. People with asthma, who suffer from cold should avoid eating cucumber or using the cucumber on the skin.
  • Cucumber can apply to the skin every day without any side effects.
  • Use fresh cucumber to take full advantages
Following the above remedies daily can help to reduce acne, fade acne scars and reveal a bright skin tone.