2 Powerful Drinks To Boost Up Your Immune System

Powerful Drinks To Boost Up Your Immune System, Immune Boosting Drink, how to boost your immune system

Immune Boosting Drink 1:

There is a potent drink that increases immunity. Take a glass and feel somebody else. Studies report that this drink prevents and helps in the treatment of cancer.
The fatigue, the indisposition, everything goes down. Let’s see how to prepare this delicious immune boosting drinks this article.
  • 1 liter of honey
  • 3 oranges
  • 1 kg and a half of beet
  • 4 apples
  • 1 lemon and a half

  • It provides energy to the body because of its high sugar rate.
  • As it provides energy, it consequently feeds the immune system by increasing immunity.
Consuming the orange juice will bring us several benefits.
Orange is rich in vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin C, which causes the white blood cells to increase (these are responsible for our immune system ). With the increase of these white blood cells, consequently, increases immunity.
This is one of the benefits of orange juice.

Immune Boosting Drink 2:

  • Beet
  • Apple
  • Lemon

Benefits Of This Drink:

  • Stimulates intestinal functions
  • Prevents flu and infections
  • Stimulates the circulatory system
  • Corrects excessive acidity of the stomach
  • Controls blood pressure
  • Fight cholesterol
The beet is rich in vitamin C. This is one of the vitamins that help to increase the white blood cells and immunity.
The apple contains nutrients that help the body to produce more defense cells (white blood cells and lymphocytes)
  • Lemon is rich in vitamin C, thus helping to increase white blood cells and lymphocytes in the body.
  • Thus, lemon along with orange and honey helps to prevent the flu and colds. These boost the immune system.
  • Mix all the ingredients in the blender
  • Put this juice in a glass bottle inside the refrigerator
  • Consume this juice every day in the morning in a fast. This will give you energy all day.
  • Remembering that it is a treatment, the results will appear.
This is an article whose intent is to help, not replacing medical or specialist guidelines.