How To Dye Hair At Home: Easy & Effective

How To Dye Hair At Home

More people are dyeing their hair at home because it is simple and not much more expensive than making a salon.
However, the way of dyeing hair is colored, fast and colorless, and not everyone knows. Here we’ll discuss how to dye hair at home.

How To Dye Hair At Home

Step 1: Wash your hair before dye
  • You should wash your hair before dye for 24-48 hours so that the dye is natural to penetrate your hair, and your hair will last longer after dye.
  • Avoid shampooing your hair just before dyeing as it removes the natural oils that protect your hair.
Step 2: Select products
To dye your hair, you must have the following products:
  • Dye
  • Hair bleach (for people with dark hair)
  • Tools: brushes, plastic bowls, gloves, etc.
In particular, the most important is the dye, there are many types including the permanent dye or temporary dyeing, ranging from color, size, price, quality, etc you can choose freely.
Step 3: Protect yourself
All hair dyes are toxic. So you need to protect your health, be prepared:
  • An old shirt
  • Shoulder Shawl
  • Old newspaper
  • Tissue
  • Gloves
  • Gauze mask
Step 4: Mix hair dye
  • Each packaging has instructions on how to mix dyes. Choosing the ratio is the most important, helping you to have the hair color you want.
  • If you have dark hair, you should divide the hair. Some people mix hair bleaches with dyes, and also have their hair bleachers before dye.
  • Should mix in a plastic bowl, use a brush to mix and always wear gloves when mixing.
Step 5: Divide the hair and apply the dye
  • Divide your hair into several parts, brush your hair gently to avoid tangles, making it easier to dye.
  • Before applying it to your hair, you should apply a little vaseline to the nape, neck, and hair edges of your face so that it will be cleaner when washing.
  • Apply hair bleach to your hair, avoid the scalp, apply from top to bottom, wait for about 15-40 minutes and rinse with water.
  • After bleaching, apply the dye to your hair, do the same, use the brush from top to bottom.
  • Apply these layers of hair to another layer of hair, apply it lightly and gently massage it with your fingers to make it evener.
  • Should apply in the bathroom to avoid spillage and easy to clean. If you are dyeing indoors, you only need to line it under the floor with newspaper.
Step 6: Wait
  • Cover your head with a nylon hat, wait for a while. Roll outside the head with a towel to keep the heat, speeding up the process of hair dyeing.
  • It takes times for the dye to soak into the hair depends on the drug, look on the product packaging.
  • Generally at least 1 hour, if the color removed early, the color will be uneven, not yet reached the desired color. It is a way to dye your hair all the time.
  • Not leave overnight, not only damage hair but your health will also be severely affected.
Step 7: Wash your hair
Finally, you wash your hair.
  • Wash hair with warm water.
  • After that, use shampoo as usual.
  • Using extra conditioner to make hair smoother.
After shampooing, dry it with a towel, wait until it is completely dry, you will get the hair completely changed.
Note: Try to avoid dye sticking to your skin, eyes, nose, or mouth. If the medicine gets into your eyes, you should seek medical advice immediately.
Tips To Dye Your Hair
The most important secret to coloring hair is fast, and it is the hair bleaching stage. If your hair is dark, black and only dyes are used, the color is not what you want.
If you have previously dyed your hair, wait at least two months for your next dyeing. After dyeing your hair, you should also wait about one week after washing your hair to avoid dye drift.
You can also refer the following tips for keeping hair color for a long:
  • Wash your hair with cold water.
  • Choose a shampoo for dyed hair.
  • Do not wash your hair often.
Hair dyeing is an increasingly popular beauty tip, but to dye beautiful hair, you must know the steps and know-how. Hopefully, with the instructions and the way of dyeing hair color above, you will succeed in dyeing your hair at home.