Rice Water Face Masks For Young & Smooth Skin

Rice Water Face Masks, Face Masks For Young & Smooth Skin, how to get young skin. how to get smooth skin, remove wrinkles

Face Masks For Young & Smooth Skin

Rice water is an excellent option for girls who need natural skin whitening because it is not only useful but also very safe and inexpensive at all.
The rice water face mask is very popular from the past to the present. Not only does it whiten the skin but it also helps the skin feel softer and younger. Here are the instructions for making this rice water face mask at home.
People have long known how to take advantage of discarded rice water to beautify facial skin. You may not believe it, but this method is still popular today.
Rice water can use to wash the face or make a facial mask. The form of use is different, but the effect is equivalent.

Benefits Of Rice Water For Skin

The advantages of this mask are:
  • It is inexpensive, easy to make and suitable for all skin types.
  • It makes the skin more smooth, pinkish and younger.
  • It exfoliates dead skin cells and removes sebum, which helps to prevent acne effectively.
  • The rice water – which we leave every day can help to beautify the skin in no less than professional and expensive cosmetics.
How To Make Rice Water Face Mask
Step 1: Wash your face
  • To enhance the permeability of the nutrients in rice water, you should wash your face with warm water first.
  • Then the face will be cleaner and pores will also expand.
Step 2: Wash the rice
  • Wash the rice, as usual, pay attention to use clean water to wash rice.
  • Use second rice water to reduce the risk of skin irritation.
  • You can use plain rice or sticky rice.
  • After you finish rinsing the rice, you take water, so that it will settle for a while.
  • Wait about half an hour later, pour the thin layer of water above, only to keep the concentrated water below.
Step 3: Cut the mask
  • Use a large, thick paper towel to make a mask.
  • Cut scissors into holes, open the nose, mouth, and eyes.
  • Soak this mask in water and pour the condensed rice for a few minutes, allowing the nutrients to soak into the mask.
Step 4: Apply the mask
  • Next, put this rice water mask on your face. Be careful not to tear the mask.
  • You lie for about 10 minutes, relax and limit your facial muscles.
Step 5: Wash your face and moisturize
  • Finally, remove the mask from your face.
  • Wash your face with warm water to make your skin cleaner.
  • Dry your face with a soft cotton towel, apply another layer of moisturizer to make your skin smoother and softer, without over-drying.
  • Although the mask of rice water is good for the skin, it also has drawbacks. The most typical side effects are: itchy skin, slight redness and make the skin more susceptible to sunburn (more sensitive to the sun).
  • The main reason is that rice water contains a small amount of dirt and chemicals in rice cultivation (such as pesticides). Therefore, it can cause allergy or skin irritation, especially for people with sensitive skin or pustules.
  • To prevent these risks, you can test your hands before using them on your face. At the same time, use the second rice water, instead of the first, the second water is usually cleaner and safer.